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You Me Mind is a collective of professionals supporting women and mothers through birth trauma. Our team is made up of people who have a lived experience of birth trauma and trained professionals, such as midwives and mental health support workers, motherhood studies practitioners, and matrescence researchers. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of the people we support.

Therapy Session

Our Founder

Maxine Stevens

I went through a difficult and traumatic birth with my son, who is now 12, at the time there was very little support.  In the years that followed my mental health declined, and the trauma took hold. Birth trauma didn’t seem to be talked about, so I suffered in silence. After years of struggling, it became too much and one professional finally took notice that I needed help. When that was recognised there still wasn’t much help and long waiting lists, I did get the help in the end, but it meant the recovery was much slower.  After going through this experience, I really started to question if this was other women’s experience? Or surely this couldn’t be right, that you could go through something so traumatic and not get offered any help? For nobody to notice? It was this experience that made want to help other women.


Before my son was born, I worked for 15 years in social service and education and since then my birth experience and healing journey lead me to retain as a counsellor and psychotherapist. 


Setting up this charity has been a long journey of late nights, sometimes full of doubt whether I can do it, but always with the drive to want to help others. And now it’s coming to fruition. Sometimes all we need it to be heard, to be seen, not fixed, just understood in a shared experience. I have big aims but ultimately if I make a difference to only one woman that will be enough because every woman is important.


Our Trustees

Our Team

If you are a professional who would like to offer your expertise please contact us here

Inclusion Statement

We acknowledge that the people who set up and run this charity are predominantly white, cis-het women and therefore will take on the responsibility of creating a container and community based on inclusion, equity and justice that everyone can feel welcome in. 


We use the term 'mother' to include all birthing people that may have been affected by birth trauma and offer support to anyone who may need it, however you identify. Diversity, equity and inclusivity are important for us in order to create sacred spaces for women, mothers and birthing people.  


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